WAL - Wavenet
I found a company worth buying because of a number of reasons.
A blog focused on fundamentally trading the Austrlaian stockmarket. There is daily commentary on the stockmarket and undervalued shares. I aim to find profitable opportunities in todays market by signalling out undervalued stocks.
I found a company worth buying because of a number of reasons.
Sorry to all those who ahev been waiting for me to post but I have been really busy.
Lucky for me my portfolio has continued to shine and is up a good percentage this year again.
I will try and get posting again on a regular basis as I find shares worth metioning.
Good Luck.
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I may hold one or more of the stocks reviewed on this website. Details of holdings are not disclosed as I do not run a financial service here. It is my own blog of financial information which I allow other people to view.
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